Today is Giving Tuesday #GivingTuesday, a global day of giving that brings people together around the values of service and giving back to others, the perfect time to bring back our Baton Rouge Gives Back series where we highlight local nonprofits. Our local Giving Tuesday effort, 225 Gives, highlights local nonprofit organizations that uplift and strengthen our community. We will highlight some of the organizations taking part in this year’s “225 Gives” on our social media platforms throughout the day. You can also go to to learn more about the participating organizations!

This holiday season and throughout the year, we can make a difference right here at home by giving and volunteering our time. There are over 100 nonprofit organizations to support in the Baton Rouge area. Make it a family effort, go through the list of organizations, and ask the kids who they would like to support and why. There is no better way to teach our children that we value our community and our neighbors than by giving back as a family.
One organization in particular that we are supporting this year and every year is CASA with their annual CASA Toy Drive. Capital Area CASA accepts donations from the community so that volunteers can select gifts for their CASA children to open during the holidays.
What is CASA?
CASA stands for Court Appointed Special Advocate. Capital Area CASA Association serves East Baton Rouge Parish and trains volunteers to advocate for these children. Children need to do more than survive; they need to thrive in the safety and love of a family. CASA volunteers do not provide legal representation, nor do they replace social workers. A CASA volunteer is an independent voice speaking solely for the best interests of the child with the ultimate goal being a safe, permanent home.
CASA volunteers get to know the child and talk with everyone involved in the child’s life to gather facts about the child’s history and current situation. Using this information, the volunteer submits recommendations in a report to the juvenile court judge.
Since most CASA recommendations are accepted by the court, children with CASA volunteers are more likely to find permanent homes and spend less time in foster care. CASA volunteers also ensure that children’s needs are being met while in state custody.
Abused and neglected children will spend this holiday season living in foster care, rather than in a safe and permanent home with a family of their own. This holiday season, you can help bring a smile to a child served by Capital Area CASA Association by donating a new and unwrapped item. Please deliver to the CASA office at 848 Louisiana Avenue by Friday, December 3, 2021. Contact Sarah Tranchina at (225) 379-8598 or email [email protected] for more information.
Collectively, we can strive to make a difference in the lives of those in need; our efforts will, in turn, help create a stronger, healthier Baton Rouge for all! So join your neighbors today and become part of a growing tradition of helping and giving. Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to learn more about this year’s 225 Gives Baton Rouge participants!