Known for exciting days of friendly staff, costumes, animals, and family fun, the Baton Rouge Boo at the Zoo event has quickly become a crowd favorite. Mix in amazing fall weather and the promise of a treat bag and you’re bound to have children coming back. Boo at the Zoo is presented by Hancock Whitney along with some amazing sponsors all focused on creating a fun and safe space for families to enjoy the many animals as well as giving them an opportunity to wear their costumes more than once.
Boo at the Zoo 2022
We arrived at the zoo around 11:30 am and while the parking lot was full it did not take us long to park and walk to the front gate. There were four lines open and the staff members were excited to see so many people steadily coming into the zoo with their costumes. Our family decided to dress up as Toy Story (yes, even the adults) and when we saw the frame for pictures we were hyped! It was so nice that a family took a picture so that we could all be included and of course, we decided to return the favor. After pictures, we embarked on our trip to see the animals and other costumes of those in attendance.
Coy fish, tigers, monkeys, giraffes, and the African Rhino were popular and I was surprised that my nephews wanted to get close to the zoo keepers holding a snake. Who knew they were not afraid like I was, but if they wanted to see I wasn’t going to stop them. Even the Mountain Lions enjoyed seeing all the costumes passing by. It was as if they were posted enjoying the parade of people in attendance.
Along the end of the zoo route were funnel cakes, jambalaya, and a crowd favorite…a dunking booth for anyone who wanted to dunk one of the staff members. They showed great sportsmanship by even allowing a few missed hits to actually come up and press the button to dunk the zookeeper. That area instantly became a hit once seeing her fall into the water. My niece was so tickled watching and I’m sure the splash of water was welcomed as well.
Once the walk around the zoo was over all children under the age of 12 are allowed to pick out a mini pumpkin to take home and are given a goody bag from Hancock Whitney. It was great to allow the kids a chance to actually enjoy and appreciate the animals of the zoo without being so focused on getting treats until the end. This whole experience was great not only for me but for Buzz Lightyear, Woody and Jessie as well. If you have a chance make sure you go this weekend, October 29th and 30th between normal zoo hours to catch this amazing event. You won’t regret it.
Murlonda is a local children’s book author of the Playing with Angels series, books focused on teaching life lessons through sports. She is an avid reader and traveler but her favorite pastime is hanging with her nephews. Born and raised in Baton Rouge, she feels that the best lessons come through situations that are outside of our comfort zones. When not traveling, she can be found watching reality tv, selling her books at popup shops, hanging out with friends/family or reading a good book.