For the past 13 years, I have called Baton Rouge home. I started at LSU in the fall of 2000. I got my degree here, found my purpose, and even found my husband here.
Born and raised in New Orleans, it was not such a far stretch to move to the capital city. I have enjoyed my time here and the people I have developed life-long and and sometimes short-term relationships with. During the years, I have gotten married, had 6 kids, bought two houses, started a blog and more. I love my friends and family so saying good bye is not easy for me. Sure we can visit, but it won’t be the same.
We are all excited about what is in store in a new city, a new state, and a new atmosphere to explore. We are looking forward to being closer to family members we were used to visiting and now having to accept that we will have to visit the ones we’d see in town. We are preparing to move to Houston within days and we can’t wait. My hubby had to go first to start his new job and soon we will be joining him there. He has taken care of many logistics to make our transition as smooth as possible. The last time we moved we had 3 kids, now with double the number it will definitely be a bigger challenge for us.
I am grateful for all the help we have had here in Baton Rouge. I am grateful for the opportunities that have opened up for me here. Being a contributor for Baton Rouge Moms, although short-lived, has been great! I will miss it and you. The moms of Baton Rouge that I have come to know have been some of my greatest allies. As a mom, having others who have walked before you and/or walking with you is a great asset for you. I have received so much from other moms that have helped me to be a better mom to my own kids. Of course there are others we will miss as well, including our parents, both here and in New Orleans, especially.
Its only a few hours away, so we look forward to making the drive out to visit often. This is a new season for us and we cherish our last days here and look forward to the day we will all be together again in our new home in a new place. Thanks, Baton Rouge, for making us feel so welcome while we have resided here.
I will leave you with this. Just under two weeks ago, our baby girl was born. She arrived less than 2 hours after I got to the hospital. She weighed 8lbs and 1 oz and she is truly adorable. Her middle name is Grace and for very good reason. We have had a month of so many uncertainties concerning our move and one of them being daddy having to leave before her birth. When it was all said and done, my labor was quick, smooth and safe. I know without God’s grace I could not have faced it without my husband. I am grateful for his parents that have taken such great care of me and the children while he’s away. Grace covered every uncertainty from selling our house to having our baby girl. Selling our car was the part we weren´t sure about, but we did check out various places, Shiply was the best site we found and we actually considered it. But not just yet. She is our precious new addition and we love her dearly. She will never know Baton Rouge like we have, but maybe some day she will understand why we love it so much.
Shayla, it has a been a blessing to have you as part of the BRM team, even if just for a short while. Can’t wait to see what God has in store for you all in Texas!
It was so nice to meet you Shayla. Wishing you and your growing family all the best on your latest adventure to a new city. Hope you’ll come back to visit.
Y’all come back now, ya hear???
Thanks Ladies, we will definitely be visiting often since our parents are in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Too bad, I missed the Mom’s Night Out, it looked like everyone had a blast!