Trader Joe’s in Baton Rouge {Pictures}

The excitement surrounding the opening of Louisiana’s first Trader Joe’s store has been growing for weeks. Trader Joe’s, the specialty-food chain from California, is known for its inexpensive organic food and products. Baton Rouge Moms had the opportunity to attend the Grand Opening festivities, where Baton Rouge city officials, including Mayor Kip Holden, and Trader […]

Trader Joe’s in Baton Rouge {Pictures}

We All Need A Sister (or 10).

Sisยทterยทhood (noun) 1. the relationship between sisters. the feeling of kinship with and closeness to a group of women or all women. 2. an association, society, or community of women linked by a common interest, religion, or trade. I don’t have any sisters. I’ve always wished I did, and I admittedly romanticize the idea. Someone

We All Need A Sister (or 10).

Family Friendly Halloween Activities Inspired by Monsters University

Be amazed as one of Disneyland’s pumpkin carvers brings Mike Wazowski to life out of a simple seasonal gourd in celebration of this week’s release of Monsters University! Whip up a monstrously delicious Halloween feast with recipes below, care of Mike, Sulley, and the pledges over at OK, PNK and ROR! POP QUIZ! It’s time

Family Friendly Halloween Activities Inspired by Monsters University Read More ยป

Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium in New Orleans Presents Crawloween

Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium invites guests to celebrate Halloween โ€œinfestivities” at Crawloween on Wednesday, October 30 and Thursday, October 31. Children are encouraged to wear their Halloween costumes, learn about the myths behind some “scary” critters, make a bug craft and enjoy Halloween treats. Staff entomologists will be on hand to talk about myths

Audubon Butterfly Garden and Insectarium in New Orleans Presents Crawloween Read More ยป

More than a race.

In 2013, it is estimated that among U.S. women there will be 232,340 new cases of breast cancer diagnosed. There will be an estimated 39,620 deaths. ย This equates to 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed during their lifetime. With these numbers there is a high chance that breast cancer has touched your own family.

More than a race.

Tips for Eating Clean on a Budget

As the main cook in my house, feeding my family healthy meals is very important to me. The main focus when planning our meals is to use very few (none if possible) processed ingredients. My pantry and fridge consists mostly of fresh produce, hormone-free/antibiotic-free meat and diary products, healthy oils, spices, beans and lentils and

Tips for Eating Clean on a Budget

Welcome to Baton Rouge Moms!

Hello Baton Rouge Moms! It’s BRM launch day!!! If you have yet to do so, please take a moment to meet the ladies behind the blog, on our contributors page. Tiffany, Maggie and I are local bloggers that have been supporting moms online for many years. We are thrilled to be joining forces to put

Welcome to Baton Rouge Moms!