We all know where we were, what we were doing and we all have our own stories of how hurricane Katrina impacted our lives. My husband worked at the Davenport Lounge in the Ritz Carlton with a Jazz quartet. After Katrina, my husband had to move to St. Louis for 6 months for work, leaving me home with a 4 year old, a two year old and a newborn. However, it was nothing compared to the loss so many had suffered. One thing is for sure, we were not prepared. Hurricane Katrina devastated the Gulf Coast, leaving more than 1,300 people dead and displacing 1 million people from their homes. But those most affected were children—the record storm led to 5,000 reports of missing children and 370,000 children forced out of school. U.S. emergency planning did not account for children’s unique needs.

Quick Links:
Read the full Save the Children 2015 Disaster Report here.
Make your children’s emergency contact cards FREE here
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