Hiking in Baton Rouge with BREC Parks

Check out one of the many ways BREC Conservation can get you and your family exploring the outdoors and hiking in Baton Rouge! They offer a variety of engaging hikes, perfect for all skill levels and comfortabilities. Find a hike below for the whole family to enjoy!

Hiking in Baton Rouge

Urban Nature Hike Series

Perkins Road Community Park
Tuesday, Apr 26, 2022 5:45 PM – 7:15 PM

Highland Road Community Park
Tuesday, May 10, 2022 5:45 PM – 7:15 PM

Interested in exploring the nature oasis next door or looking to take your neighborhood walks to the next level? Our Urban Hike series is a great start! Geared toward nature novices of all ages, participants will enjoy a leisurely walk through a BREC park while learning some fun facts about the park’s natural areas and the fundamentals of adventuring in the great outdoors. Preregistration is requested for all attendees and all children must be accompanied by an adult.


Conservation Woods Walk Series

Hiking in Baton Rouge

Hooper Road Park
May 7 / 9:30-11:30 a.m.

Satisfy your curiosity about the trees you see at BREC Parks and your wonder about the animals that call BREC Conservation Areas home. Join a BREC Naturalist for the Woods Walk Series and pick their brain about a broad range of topics. Each hike in the series will dive into different topics connected to these unique sites in East Baton Rouge Parish. Come to one or multiple hikes in the series to indulge in the great outdoors. Preregistration is required and all children must be accompanied by an adult.

To register: webtrac.brec.org (WebTrac #: 520210)

Ages: 8+

Cost $5

Hiking in Baton Rouge

Nature Night Hike and Campfire

Zachary Community Park
Friday, May 13, 2022 7:00 PM – 9:00 

Join BREC on a Friday night for a great way to say hello to summer! The program will include a night hike learning about local ecology and nocturnal animals and will include activities and games. Come enjoy this great way to get the family out after the daytime heat. Preregistration is required and spaces are limited. Children must be registered and accompanied by a registered adult.

May 13 / 7-9 p.m.


Cost – $5

Revive Your Mind Nature Hike

Frenchtown Road Conservation Area
Saturday, Mar 26, 2022 9:30 AM – 11:30

Forest bathing, Nature Rx, Ecotherapy…it’s been called many things, but the message is the same, NATURE is good for you! If life has you spinning and you feel out of balance this is the hike for you.  BREC will be using time in nature to slow down and take a breakthrough mindful, purposeful observation. You will be hiking off the beaten path at one of BREC’s Conservation Areas using the outdoors as a window to relaxation and a free mind. Join us to get a well-deserved dose of nature at its finest. This program is geared towards adults, but people 13 and older are welcome to attend with their parent.

March 26 / 9:30-11:30 a.m.




For More Information:
[email protected]