Did you know BREC’s Extreme Sports Park offers BMX Clinics? As a mom of four boys, we were thrilled to learn about these clinics at Perkins Road Community Park. BMX Skatepark and Dirt Track clinics are designed to help improve BMX bike riding control, skill, and technique for beginners who have no to minimal riding experience to intermediate riders who have already established the basics of bike control and are looking to make it to the next level.
BMX Beginner Skatepark Clinic
BMX Skatepark and Dirt Track clinics are designed to help improve BMX bike riding control, skill, and technique for beginners who have no to minimal riding experience to intermediate riders who have already established the basics of bike control and are looking to make it to the next level.
WHEN: September 14 & October 12
WHERE: Perkins Road Community Park
COST: $20 per clinic
BMX Intermediate Skatepark Clinic
BMX Skatepark and Dirt Track clinics are designed to help improve BMX bike riding control, skill, and technique for beginners who have no to minimal riding experience to intermediate riders who have already established the basics of bike control and are looking to make it to the next level.
WHEN: Saturday, Sep 21 & October 19th
WHERE: Perkins Road Community Park
COST: $20 per clinic
BMX Beginner Dirt Track Clinic
BMX Skatepark and Dirt Track clinics are designed to help improve BMX bike riding control, skill, and technique for beginners who have no to minimal riding experience to intermediate riders who have already established the basics of bike control and are looking to make it to the next level.
WHEN: September 28 & October 26
WHERE: Perkins Road Community Park
COST: $20 per clinic
For More Information
[email protected]
BMX Intermediate Dirt Track Clinic
BMX Skatepark and Dirt Track clinics are designed to help improve BMX bike riding control, skill, and technique for beginners who have no to minimal riding experience to intermediate riders who have already established the basics of bike control and are looking to make it to the next level.
WHEN: September 7, October 5, November 2
WHERE: Perkins Road Community Park
COST: $20 per clinic
For More Information
[email protected]
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