In today’s fast-paced, technology-driven world, it’s increasingly crucial to introduce children to the wonders of nature. Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center in Baton Rouge offers a perfect playground for this mission. Discover everything your child can learn at Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center! They offer a variety of sessions for your child to explore and experience the natural world around them.
Bluebonnet Swamp Nature Center To
Trail Time for Toddlers is a unique opportunity for children, ages 2-5, and their parents/guardians to make new friends while learning about nature through trail walks and themed indoor and outdoor activities. Come enjoy the sights and sounds of the swamp, arts and crafts, storytelling, animal encounters, and healthy snacks. Themes change from week to week, and none are repeated within a calendar year. Participants sign up for a month at a time (4 weekly classes) and can choose to attend the Wednesday or Thursday session. NEW this year – each month will also feature a special Saturday class for participants who are unable to attend one of our weekday sessions. Registration for each month begins on the 1st of the month prior.
Sept. 6-28 + Oct. 4-26 + Nov. 1-9 | Wednesday or Thursday | $40/session (4 classes) / November is $20 (2 classes)
Sept 9 + Oct 21 + Nov 11/ Saturday | $10/class
9:30-11:30 a.m.